Silver Confederate Ring Set Is A Top Seller
For those that value what the South has to offer and are looking ways to represent southern pride then these couples set of Dixie Rings are exactly what you are looking for. The flag is all the way the rigs for hers and his. These can be used for southern and country weddings, friendship, promise and more. A true tradition for southern weddings. We have these in high quality premium tungsten. each ring has a 2 year warranty. Southern Sisters Designs is the manufacturer of these with a silver base also those with a black base. These are also sold separately for a great boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife gift. Not found elsewhere! Click Here To Order These For Under $40 If you are looking for a matching engagement ring with the same Dixie pattern then we have these as well. As a matter of fact they are our top seller in jewelry. A four prong setting with a princess cut CZ stone. These are top quality and also have a 2 year warranty. These are designed and sold by Southern Sist...